Year of project: 2023

Name of the designer of the project: Wai Tang , Noel Chu, Stephen Liang, Violet Foo

Anamorphic Synthesis represents an object in the form of a dress that has evolved through a series of collaborative ideas intermixing Fashion, Art and Design. The Dress represents a mapping out the design process from the line, to the template, to the material, and finally to the dress. Blurring the lines between fashion and architectural design, the installation consists of a Metaphor, Form, Structure, and Facet. All elements disseminated when viewed in terms of layering and sophistication. The dress is deliberately inverted to allow the visitor to see the installation in a different perspective.

Metamorphosis, Regeneration and the Peacock

Being a symbol of metamorphosis and rebirth, the peacock plays an important role in Chinese mythology. According to folklore, the bird was once a phoenix that opted to live a modest life in the woods rather than consume the fruit of the Tree of Life. It is believed that the phoenix’s metamorphosis into a peacock represents the bird’s acceptance of its own mortality and its subsequent rebirth. As a parable on how life and death are perpetual cycles, this tale is often presented.

Inspired by the peacock, the plumage and stems of the dress radiates out like a peacock in full bloom

Symbolising a metamorphosis or a transformation, the installation will represent: The spectrum of artists and designers coming together creating an object that represents; Vision, Beauty, Pride, Power and Refinement.